Wednesday 13 March 2013

Keikos Cake And Pastry Friends

Pastry Recipes And Highly Addictive Exclusive Monthly Content From A True Pastry Master.

Downloadable ebooks (pdf) with step-by-step instructions. More than 1.500 pages of pdf content… and growing.    

Videos showing how Keiko prepares the cakes.
More than 12 hours of video… and growing.

Access to the community forum.
Show your cake implementations or ask for help. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a professional patissier answer your pastry questions? :)

Frequent updates, new exclusive cake guides and videos.
Keiko posts three new videos and cake guides every month.

Downloadable content.
Secure the videos and pdf guides on your PC at home.

Immediate online access.
Sit back and start watching the cake videos in just a minute.


Perfect Croissant ★ The Perfect Croissant ★
Enjoy freshly made crisp buttery croissants whenever you want. Learn the secret of a perfectly flaky croissant and turn your kitchen into a French bakery!
The bakery air will make your family jump out of bed in the morning with a big happy smile on their face. :D
Pistachio Mousse Cake ★ Pistachio Mousse Cake ★
This delicate cake has the perfect balance of chocolate, cherry, and pistachio flavours. It has soft layers of biscuit, mousse, and ganache, topped with pistachio streusel.
Coffee Roll ★ Coffee Roll ★
Learn to make silky soft rolls… that never crack! The coffee roll is covered with an extra layer of choux pastry.
Mango Mousse Cake ★ Mango Mousse Cake ★
This cake never fails to impress. It’s a tempting combination of mango and milk chocolate mousse with crunchy nuts biscuit bottom. And you also learn how to make this cute ribbon sponge border…
Truffles ★ Truffles ★
Learn to make truffles and bon bon chocolates!
Chef Keiko shows how to master chocolate tempering so you can work with chocolate like a pro. 

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