Tuesday 12 March 2013

Cake Making Course - Video Cake Baking Lessons

Quality Program And Cooking Course With 5 Hours Of Video Footage And Hundreds Of Cake Recipe Tips!

You will understand:

What it exactly means to “fold”, “beat”, “whisk”, “layer” and “cream”

What ingredients are indispensable and what ones can be substituted (for example, if you’re diary or gluten intolerant, or on a low cholesterol diet)

When a cake is ready to come out of the oven, and how to get it safely out of its baking tin

Ways to decorate the same cake in different ways – so people think it’s an entirely new and unique cake! (one of my favorite tricks)

Which cakes travel, or last, better than others

How to whip up an easy ‘quick-mix’ bowl-method cake, or prepare a delectable and more time-consuming baked cheesecake

Just how fun and rewarding baking is... and so much MORE!!! 


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